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Contact Page

Mailing Address:
20449 SW TV Highway #132
Aloha, OR 97003-1755

To make payments in person:
please bring payment in a addressed envelope
to the above address during the hours of:
Mon - Fri 8am - 7pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm
Sunday C L O S E D

Office Staff
Voice (503) 524-3902
Extension 1 Front Desk
Extension 2 Accounting Department
Extension 3 Maintenance Division
Extension 4 Legal Department
                     Fax (503) 941-5262

Ask Us A Question

For any questions unrelated to maintenance please leave a note and we will answer as soon as possible.  All maintenance requests need to be made in writting using our "Maintenance Request Form" listed on our home page, or the form below.

Full Name:
Street Address:

Maintenance Request Form

To ensure prompt, quality service pleas fill out form completely.
RED  fields must be filled out in order for submittal.

Full Name:
Street Address:
Email:  Will receive confirmation upon completion

 Permission To Enter
(must be given)

This constitutes authorization to enter the unit for the requested repairs.  This authorization expires (7) days after management has read request unless repairs are in progress.

ORS 90.322(1)(c) "...the tenants written request may specify allowable times.  Otherwise, the entry must be at reasonable time..."

Our offices enter routinely between the hours of 8am and 4pm Monday thru Friday.  Any further restrictions such as but not limited to: specific days, phone calls prior to entry, restrictive window of time and /or any further restrictions would put you in violation of ORS 90.322(1)(c) and will result in a delay of maintenance by a minimum of (1) week due to having to serve our own notice to enter as a result of yours restricting our staff beyond that which law allows. And possibly non-compliance with your lease.

Describe exact
nature of problem:

Employment Application

All information submitted below is kept confidential

Full Name
Phone #  Example (503) 555-1234
DOB for background:  Example 01-01-1900

Have you been convicted of a felony?  

Are you a Citizen of the United States?

Name                                                                From                To
Name                                                                 From                  To
Name                                                                From                To

Current Employer
Current Employer:
Current Employers Address:
Current Job Title:
Current Pay Rate:
Currently Employed:  Example 01-2010 to 05-2011
From                         To
May we contact:  Ph# for yes, blank for no

Previous Employer
Previous Employer:
Previous Employers Address:
Previous Job Title:
Previous Pay:
Previously Employed:  Example 01-2010 to 05-2011
From                         To
Contact Phone #: Example (503) 555-1234
Additional comments:

Disclaimer and electronic acceptance
  I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge.  If this application leads to employment, I understand that false or misleading information in my application or interview may result in my release.